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  4. Razor's Edge by Jay Sankey

Razor's Edge by Jay Sankey

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Magic doesn't get more visually SHOCKING than this!

In a visually insane fashion, the performer cuts halfway through a BORROWED and INITIALLED COIN with an ordinary playing card!! A moment later, the coin is magically healed and both the coin and the playing card are immediately handed-out for close examination!!

You can even use your own business card! It's the PERFECT way to hand it out!!
This mind-bending effect comes with a specially-machined gimmick, illustrated instructions and an incredible instructional DVD featuring a wide variety of handlings from super easy to definitely difficult!

Along with the "Super Simple Handling" the professional instructional dvd teaches the "The Bluff Handling," the "Magnifying Glass Handling," the "Mid-Air Stab," the "Blindfolded Handling," the "S.V. Handling" and the "Business Card Handling!" (One of the most magicial ways to give-away your business card EVER!)
