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Members Only

Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden!Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden! **

Members Only by Mark Mason JB Magic A deck of Bicycle cards is examined and shuffled by a spectator. Remove a small leather business card wallet from your pocket. Open the wallet and remove a membership card, which you show on both sides.Spread the deck and ask a spectator to insert the membership card into the spread, wherever they wish. The spectator remembers the card next to the membership card.Remove the membership card, show it on both sides and replace it in the wallet. After several attempts to find the selected card, show that the card has actually vanished from the deck!Tell the spectator that their selected card is now inside the wallet, which has been in full view on the table. Open the wallet and sure enough, the selected card is inside. But, the membership card has now vanished!Pick up the card box and show it empty. Explain that the membership card will materialize inside the box! The magic words. Reach inside the empty box and pull out the membership card!! Wow!! A great finish!! So much magic!!No palming. No sleight of hand. Quick reset. Members Only comes complete with a leather credit card Himber wallet, a precision-made membership card, a precision-made card box and two bonus routines.

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