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  4. Control Freak Oliver Macia

Control Freak Oliver Macia

Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden!Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden! **

Experience new and totally invisible methods of card control from France's award-winning magical entertainer Olivier Macia, along with seven devilish routines performed live in the V.I.P. tent at the 2002 Montreal Just for Laughs Festival. The One Card Pass, The Subtle Control and the astonishing Wow Control, plus their variations will all become deadly weapons in your close-up arsenal, and you will marvel at their effectiveness when performed under fire in real-world conditions!

Controls: Control to Top Position, 2nd From Top Position, Bottom Position, Reversal In Middle, Control with Palming, Control with Boomerang Spin and Control to Sandwich.

Techniques: Perfect Boomerang and many powerful changes: Rollover Change, Dark Change, Flash Change, Flip Spin, Flip Spin with Boomerang.

Flashy, stunning modern style routines: Phoenix Card Production, Illusive 4 Aces, Mouth Surprise, Repeat Card to Pocket with Spectator Retrieval, 2 Invisible Cards, Foot Magic, Color Aces, Multiwich
