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Reel Magic Episode 8 (David Williamson)

Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden!Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden! **

DVD english, Dezember 2008


Caught on Tape: David Williamson
John Lovick talks with David Williamson about being willing to fail and the difference between the corporate world and magic conventions 


Jon Armstrong Small Things, Big Difference
everyone should have a trick that kills in 30 seconds 

Garrett Thomas Try This At Home
taking your magic to new heights 

Simon Lovell Simon Said It!
abuse the audience; lose the audience 

*new column* David Kaye/Silly Billy Kid Show FUNdamentals 
an in-depth look at the change bag 

Wayne Kawamoto Choice Cuts 
Wayne talks with "Mr. Hospitality" Bob Sheets about his "Bob Does Hospitality" DVDs 

David Regal Tricks of the Trade 
reviews several products released by one gifted, prolific, successful motherf*cker 

Bonus Tricks: 

Joshua Jay "Vegas Visit" 
from Joshua Jay: Methods in Magic-Live in the UK published by Big Blind Media 

Mark Leveridge "Stay at Home Coins" 
from Mark Leveridge: Master Routines published by L&L Publishing 

Eric Jones "Ishkabibble Sandwich" 
a Reel Magic Magazine exclusive! 

Move Monkeys:

Danny Archer "Center Card Glimpse" 

Justin Miller "JM Click Pass" 

Jeff Prace "Thumb Pass" 

Running Time Approximately 1hr 56min

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