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  5. Play Time by Rodger Lovins

Play Time by Rodger Lovins

Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden!Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden! **

The magician has two cards selected by two spectators. He tells them that a lot of people ask, "How long have you been doing magic?" He says that a picture is worth a thousand words. He takes out a photo of a small child, age 1, holding a playing card. He asks the first spectator to show their card. IT MATCHES THE CARD THE CHILD IS HOLDING IN THE PHOTO! Placing the photo onto the open outstretched hand of the 2nd spectator, he asks what card she selected. She turns her card over and reveals her selection. When the magician turns the laminated photo back over, the photo has changed and now the child star is holding the second spectator's selection! The photo never leaves their sight! Easy to do. 
