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  5. "7 By Rick Bronson" by David Acer, Vol. 3 in the "7 By" Series - Book

"7 By Rick Bronson" by David Acer, Vol. 3 in the "7 By" Series - Book

Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden!Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden! **

A multi-talented writer, comedian, and television host, Rick Bronson is the go-to guy, the consultant for, and the confidant of some of Canada's finest magicians. The Tourist, a television series he created, hosted and co-wrote, is now a hit in 22 countries, and his recent national comedy special, Comedy Now Presents Rick Bronson, was among the highest rated in Canadian history! This book, Rick's first, contains a choice selection of magic from his stand-up act., and a handful of close-up miracles from his apres-show repertoire!
