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  5. Magic For All

Magic For All

Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden!Nur noch ein Exemplar vorhanden! **

17,6 x 24,7 cm, 96 S., DAVID & CHARLES, Newton Abbot, London, 1989, broschiert

17,6 x 24,7 cm, 96 S., DAVID & CHARLES, Newton Abbot, London, 1989, broschiert

Hove you puzzled over the mind-baggling tricks of TV personalities like Paul Daniels and David Copperfield? How do they make such stunts as bending spoons without touching them, producing coins out of nowhere, turning water into wine, look so easy? Dinner-table magic, tricks with money, mind-readinq, magician's gimmicks and much more are all revealed in this fun little book, which shows you how to perform a variety of brain-teasers to impress and entertain your friends and family.
If you decide to expand on your newly-found magicol genius, there is a useful section giving advice on magic clubs, equipment ond venues. So whether you want to perfect your powers purely for your own pleasure, or for profit, hey presto! This is the book for you.
